Item list (9 total)

  • Tags: Plain wrapping style


Plain and tightly wrapped complete bird mummy bundle. The head of the bundle is quite flat with the upper beak missing and the lower beak damaged. Dark patches are visible - possibly the application of resinous coatings.

Radiographs show a…


Plain and tightly wrapped complete bird mummy bundle. The beak is exposed but intact. The bundle is very long and thin towards the tail end and has dark patches throughout - possibly the application of resinous coatings.

Radiographs show a…


Plain and tightly wrapped complete bird mummy bundle. The beak is exposed and damaged. The linen wrappings are very dark in colour, likely due to an application of a resinous substance. The bundle is unusually wide below the neck region.…


Plain and tightly wrapped complete bird mummy bundle. The beak is exposed and intact and appears to be in an unusual position compared with other bird mummy bundles.

Complete and articulated skeleton of a Falco tinnunculus (Kestrel). The head has…


Plain and tightly wrapped complete bird mummy bundle. The bundle is very dark in colouration suggesting the application of a resinous substance.

Radiographs show a complete and articulated skeleton of a mature Falco tinunnculus (Kestrel). A…


A decorative bird mummy bundle with false feet and head with painted facial features. The remains of a linen chest plate is attached to a plain linen shroud, which is sewn up on the underside.

Radiographs show a complete and articulated skeleton…


This mummy bundle is wrapped in brown linen in the form of an aerial view of a crocodile with the tail shaped into a curve. Ancient string remains around the neck, body and tail in a criss-crossed pattern.

Radiographs show the bundle has a…


A complete crocodile mummy bundle wrapped in light brown linen. Linen string was applied in a circular motion around the bundle to secure the linen wrappings, and is denser at the proximal and distal ends.

Radiographs show the mummy bundle is…


An amorphous (ovoid and slightly flat) linen bundle.

Radiographs show a complete mummy bundle, containing unidentifiable skeletal remains. CT confirms the presence of skeletal remains but due to the flat perspective of the bundle, these are not…
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